Vegalicious teamed up with gardening blog Fennel and Fern and will provide monthly recipes to make the step from potager to plate easy and fun.

Fennel and Fern provides fresh inspiration for gardeners through stylish photography, inspiration boards, profiles of real gardens and expert advice. The site wants to empower a new generation of gardeners to take up spades against a gradual separation from the land. They are passionate about working with nature, and this means organic wildlife gardening.

We have our own organic allotment garden, which contributes much of what we eat throughout the year. Eating meals involves most of our senses and therefore fresh and health food from our own garden, carefully prepared and well presented makes a great difference.

We like to think of Vegalicious as a celebration of life. It begins in the garden, choosing what vegetables and fruits we enjoy eating. Having some delicious recipes in mind gives us ideas of what seeds we want to order and plant in the spring.

broad bean seedlingsNow we are already looking forward to making and serving broad beans, peas and spinach early in the spring. In the summer we enjoy the bounty of green beans, zucchini and corn. When the leaves start dropping, we are awaiting the first pumpkins for our favorite soup recipes. These pumpkins also provide fresh food throughout the winter. We choose good hearty vegetables that can withstand our cold and wet winter, yet still provide healthy meals on our table. The kitchen scraps go into the compost bins to recreate healthy soil and complete the cycle of life.