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    Definition of ‘vegan’
    A vegan is someone who chooses a diet composed of plant foods (supplemented with other non-animal foods such as funghi and minerals). An ethical vegan attempts to minimize, as far as possible, the harm she or he causes to all animals (nonhuman and human) in the course of her or his life. This involves choosing to eat a vegan diet; choosing products that do not depend on violence against, or the exploitation of, animals; campaigning against unnecessary human activities that harm nonhuman and human animals.

    Definition of ‘veganism’
    Veganism refers to the dietary practice of choosing a diet composed of plant foods (supplemented with other non-animal foods such as funghi and minerals). Ethical veganism refers to the practice of minimizing, as far as possible, the harm caused to all animals (nonhuman and human). This involves choosing to eat a vegan diet; choosing products that do not depend on violence against, or the exploitation of, animals; campaigning against unnecessary human activities that harm nonhuman and human animals.

    Note on definitions
    Most definitions of veganism begin by listing what vegans do not eat, drink, wear, or do. As such, they tend to replicate a commonsense understanding of veganism as difficult to achieve or sustain. In contrast, Vegalicious asserts that veganism, given adequate information, resources and social support, is both easy and immensely pleasurable to achieve and sustain.

    Motivation for Vegalicious

    Once the decision has been made to become vegan, we believe the key to staying on a vegan diet is having a wide variety of meals that satisfy your ‘taste’ as well as provide the nutrition that you need. Recipes that offer a variety of colors, flavors and textures will help to sustain your enthusiasm and interest in being a vegan. We especially enjoy meals from many different cultures around the world. In fact, many times we plan meals for the week by thinking “tonight we’ll eat Mexican, tomorrow French, and the next night maybe Oriental”. We also consider a full range of carbohydrates – one night pasta, another rice a third night potatoes, etc. including all the nutritional staples of grains, legumes (beans), green and leafy vegetables, fruit and nuts. We have found that having a variety of delicious tasting meals makes a big difference.
    A balanced diet should include grains (breads, cereals, and pasta), legumes (dried beans and peas), vegetables especially leafy-green ones, fruits and nuts.
    Time is a factor for many people. At the moment we are fortunate enough to have space and time to grow our own organic vegetable and prepare most meals from scratch. Many do not have a lot of time to prepare a meal, so we have adapted many of our best recipes to become quick and easier.
    This site includes our favorite vegan recipes from around the world. They are our everyday meals. Many of them have photos taken just before we sit down to eat or sometimes as we prepare them.

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    Definitions reprinted with kind permission of Vegatopia.